Comprehending Medjugorje : Original Documents And Conversations with Arnaud Dumouch


Reference (French Edition) :
Daria Klanac, Comprendre Medjugorje : Regard historique et théologique, avec la collaboration du théologien Arnaud Dumouch, Informativni centar Mir, Medjugorje, en coédition avec les Éditions Sakramento, Paris, 2012, 2e éd. (1re éd. 2008, ISBN 978-2-915380-19-4 & 978-9958-36017-6), introduction, pages 9 à 11.
English Translation by Duško Čondić





Divine intervention through Mary’s supernatural manifestations is well known to the history of Christianity. She does not contradict Christ’s revelation since she does not offer anything new to the content of Revelation. Mary perfectly lived the uplifting Hope that was extended to wounded man in his search for meaning and more harmonious relations with God perfectly. A matter of evaluation comes to the fore. The approaches can be various.

The apparitions in Medjugorje began in June of 1981, under Communist rule, and continue even today in a nation that underwent the test of war. The apparitions were a great surprise for a multi-ethnic country that was weakened by the battle between various national constituencies.

It is known to all that these apparitions have not been recognized by the local Church from the standpoint of canon law. Despite this, the place has been identified as a world event and as an oasis of peace for a multitude of people who seek the peace of Christ. Millions of people have responded to a call that cannot be neglected, or, for that matter, approached easily since all these events are occurring in a living Church and at the crossroads of worlds, peoples, and religions.

Explanations of these events are all too often distorted, exaggerated, and one-sided. The din and clamor stifles the Truth. The Devil’s advocates or persons insufficiently informed with the facts about Medjugorje rise up on all sides against those who claim to have received Grace. Objectively speaking, a well-intentioned contrary approach accompanied by reciprocal respect could, in the meantime, aid in the search for Truth and in the maintenance of correct judgement that is capable of distinguishing that which is true from that which is false, that which is good from that which is bad, that which is from God, and that which is from man. Meanwhile, every form of scorn, hate, or aggressiveness is contrary to faith, truth, and love.

The results of numerous investigations covering all possible branches of science and disciplines to which the visionaries from Medjugorje were subjected, confirmed what the experts engaged in those investigations found the children, namely that they were mentally and physically fit. They also confirmed that the children were not being manipulated by others and that they were free of any sort of evil spirits. (See Supplement III).

A sufficient number of years have elapsed as well as in immeasurable quantity of good that has been given to those souls and disturbed bodies by that which occurred in Medjugorje, or through the events of Medjugorje across the entire world. Hence, the time is ripe that a serious discussion take place, and that the events of Medjugorje are not left to unfounded conclusions. It is time that every pseudo-discussion, be it scientific, political, societal, or religious, concerning this theme come to a conclusion such that place is found for an enlightened and responsible investigation.

Every attempt to denigrate Medjugorje through suspicious reporting must be rejected. Such attempts are derived from a point of view that does not emerge from and is not in harmony with the message of Peace. Insufficient knowledge, objectivity, and freedom of spirit leads many investigations into falsehood, darkness, and confusion. Truth that is clear, simple, penetrating, pacifying, and freeing, flows from credibility. I discovered such credibility at its source, namely, through my searching out conversations that I subsequently listened to for many hours in their Croatian original, and later came to fist transcribe in Croatian and to later translate into French. I further went on to publish my results in a work entitled: Aux Sources de Medjugorje (French Edition), Editions Sciences et Culture, Montréal, 1998, and Medjugorje : réponses aux objections (French Edition), Editions Le Sarment, Paris, 2001.

In this work, I wished to allow more room for an evaluation, and a deeper and more serious contemplation of all the points of view regarding these apparitions that have so defined our time. I turned to Arnaud Dumouch,[1] a noted professor of Catholic theology and most capable of clarifying the matter. He is the author of two books[2] wherein he makes accessible to all of us the deep truths of the theology of Hope.

The central portion of this work is dedicated to a series of conversations that I engaged in with Arnaud Dumouch. We exchanged thoughts about the main questions and objections that are most often associated with the events that occurred in Medjugorje. Through his rigorous manner of viewing and clarifying the theme, he aided us to better grasp the apparitions in general, most especially Mary’s mission, salvifically important in our time.

A great deal of thanks is due to this new-generation theologian for his deep knowledge of the theology of Hope, as well as for his objectivity, his deep openness to the Spirit, and for his humility.

I also wish to express my deep respect for the Church which will know how to judge the tree by its fruits. She does not prevent me from bearing witness. To the contrary, the Church, in fact, calls me to do so. I humbly place my witness in service of the Good, and for the greater glory of God.

I ask all of you not “to pass it by”,[3] but to pause for but a moment.


1. See biography in Supplement V. [↩]

2. L’Heure de la mort, edition: Docteur angélique, 2006,and La Fin du monde, edition: Docteur angélique, 2007. [↩]

3. Hans Urs von Balthasar, “The only danger to Medjugorje is to pass it by.” [↩]